Designing data graphics: a return to the basics – CANCELED

Instructor: Oliver Curtis, MDS 2017
Max Enrollment: 12
Date/Time: Jan 5 and 8/9 – 11 a.m.
Location: TBD
Description: This course will expose participants to principles and methods of representing quantitative information. The format is a two-part workshop.
The first session will begin with an introduction to concepts of visual perception, organization, and evidence design. Techniques and tips will be introduced to improve data and information clarity. Then, between classes participants will select examples from their previous work (i.e. presentation, poster, paper) and apply learned techniques.
The second session will consist of assignment presentations with instructor/class critique. Overall, participants will learn basic principles that can be applied to the challenges of presenting quantitative information.
Requirements: n/a
Cost/Materials: n/a