The Harvard Urban Planning Organization once again took part in Parking Day, an annual international event in which designers, activists, and ordinary citizens turn parking spaces into miniature parks. This year’s theme was “The Public Living Room,” and HUPO’s park outside the CGIS Knafel Building on Cambridge Street featured a coffee table, chairs, and an activity inviting guests to construct their ideal urban environment with markers and construction paper.
“We were really lucky with the weather—it was a beautiful day, and we tried to create a relaxing environment for students to come out from Gund and enjoy the sunshine,” said Jennifer Lee (MUP’14), who helped organize the event. Lee got donations of baked goods from Iggy’s Bread and Petsi Pies, as well as potted plants from Petali Florist in Harvard Square.
“We had a lot of visitors, including Cambridge City Councillor Minka vanBeuzekom, who joined us for bread and conversation about public spaces,” said Adrienne Mathews (MUP’14 and HUPO co-president). Many passersby stopped to chat with UPD students relaxing in the park, and Mitch Silver and students in “Planning for the 21st Century” took a break to visit the outdoor living room. HUPO’s park was one stop on the Parking Day Scavenger Hunt, sponsored by the City of Cambridge, which encouraged residents to visit the more than 30 Parking Day spots around the city.