Despite stiff competition, Christina Geros (MAUD, MLA ’15) has emerged as the winner in the Radcliffe Public Art Competition for this year’s installation in the Susan S. and Kenneth L. Wallach Garden in Radcliffe Yard. Geros’s palette for “Latent (e)Scapes” is a synthetic plant community like that found on the American prairie, activated with light and motion. Special sensors enable the “grasses” to respond to the environment and pedestrians.
“The project has the potential to instill in the observer a subtle new awareness of topography, the urban environment, and the phenomenology of wind and ether,” said jury member Yukio Lippit (director of Academic Ventures at the Radcliffe Institute and professor of history of art and architecture). Read more about the winning installation.
GSD students made up 3 of the 4 other teams shortlisted for the award. Larissa Belcic (MLA ’16), Helen Miller (MDesS ’15), and Lance Smith (MArch ’16) designed “Bodyscapes.” Cara Walsh and Andy Wisniewski (both MLA ’14) conceived “The Consequences of Engagement,” while Ziyin Zhou MArch II ’14 worked with Luat Duong ULE ’15 to develop “73 Brattle Street.” Learn more about the shortlisted projects.