Log magazine’s latest issue—Log 34, Spring/Summer 2015—is themed around food and, as such, features chefs like Ferran Adrià and Jacques Pépin. Within this theme, the issue explores connections between cuisine and architecture, and a variety of Harvard Graduate School of Design faculty, staff, and alumni contribute insights to the discussion.
Log 34 was guest-edited by Jan Åman and Savinien Caracostea (MArch ’13) of AtelierSlice, a creative agency that leads projects linking urbanism, architecture, art, technology, and food.
While at the GSD, Caracostea helped curate a November 2012 event in which world-renowned pastry chef Pierre Hermé deconstructed a series of conceptual desserts. The conversations of that night also bred a recent GSD publication, The Architecture of Taste, the first in a book series copublished by the GSD and Sternberg Press called The Incidents.
Hermé is also a focus of a Log 34 piece by Shantel Blakely, the GSD’s public programs manager. She muses on the social event of the French macaron.
Elsewhere in this issue, the GSD’s Antoine Picon, G. Ware Travelstead Professor of the History of Architecture and Technology and Director of Research, considers the evolution of two metaphors—city as brain and city as belly—in light of technology and the rise of sustainability as an urban ideal in his piece “The Brain and the Belly: On the Destiny of Two Urban Metaphors.”
Also in the magazine:
– Associate professor of architecture and landscape architecture Edward Eigen tells a story of Alexandre Dumas and a “sub-Dumasian tale of ancient and modern foodways and impromptu locavorism”;
– Chelsea Spencer (MDes ’14) unearths the Electronic Tomato of the late 1960s;
– Cynthia Davidson (LF ’89) interviews Jacques Pépin; and
– Jose M. Ahedo, winner of the 2014 Wheelright Prize, discusses the shipment of live animals for food production.
To learn more about Log, visit the magazine’s website.