Palak Gadodia (MDes EE ’16), Huishan He (MDes EE ’16), Rufei Wang (MDes RR ’16), and Karno Widjaja (MDes EE ’16) participated as a team in the IBPSA Student Modeling Competition to design and simulate a mixed-mode office building.
Building upon work done in the Building Simulation course taught by Professor Ali Malkawi in Spring 2015, the goal of their proposal is the optimization of energy consumption efficiency, and promoting the use of a mixed-mode ventilation strategies for an office building located in New Delhi, India. This is achieved with the integration of passive and active strategies, coupled with an iterative design process utilizing various energy and daylighting simulations, as well as Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software. This is in tandem with the provision of a site (including climate data), as well as building occupancy, light, and equipment schedules.
With their implementation of all the proposed design strategies for a high performance building, there was a significant reduction in the amount of energy consumption, as well as mechanical cooling hours required to maintain indoor thermal comfort in the office building modeled/simulated.