The Harvard Graduate School of Design’s
Felipe Correa (MAUD ’03) recently spoke with Ed Glaeser, economist and Fred and Eleanor Glimp Professor of Economics in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University, for Harvard edX’s course
CitiesX: The Past, Present and Future of Urban Life. In this CitiesX segment, entitled “
Challenges Facing Brazil,” Correa speaks with Glaeser from atop São Paulo, Brazil’s iconic Martinelli Building, the first skyscraper in Brazil.
CitiesX is a free online course, taught by Glaser and featuring guest experts like Correa. Billed as a far-ranging look at the past, present, and future of cities, CitiesX has the aim of helping its audience better understand, appreciate, and improve urban areas. The course explores key concepts of urban development by examining cities around the world, including London, Rio de Janiero, New York City, Shanghai, Mumbai, Kigali.
Correa and Glaeser discuss mobility and infrastructure in the Brazilian megacity—a city on which Correa is a world-renowned expert, and about which he is currently authoring a forthcoming book entitled São Paulo: A Graphic Biography, to be released this upcoming fall by the University of Texas Press.
The full-length conversation between Correa and Glaeser is offered as supplemental content for the CitiesX course.
At the GSD, Correa is Associate Professor of Urban Design, Director of the Master of Architecture in Urban Design Program, and Co-Director of the Master of Landscape Architecture in Urban Design Degree Program. A New York-based architect and urbanist, Correa works at the confluence of architecture, urbanism, and infrastructure. Through his design practice, Somatic Collaborative, he has developed design projects and consultancies with the public and private sector in multiple cities and regions across the globe, including Mexico City, New Orleans, Quito, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Seoul among many others. Correa is also the co-founder and director of the South America Project (SAP), a trans-continental applied research network that proactively endorses the role of design within rapidly transforming geographies of the South American continent.