Independent Study Getting Down with the Business of Design! INT-00012-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2015
Independent Study Transit Route Planning and Scheduling Workshop INT-00011-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2015
Independent Study Printing Design, Designing Print INT-00010-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2015
Independent Study Contemporary Debates from the History of Philosophy – CANCELED INT-00009-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2015
Independent Study Data from Infrastructure Systems for Urban Algorithmic Modelling INT-00008-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2015
Independent Study Drawing Architecture: Feeling and Form INT-00007-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2015
Independent Study A Project a Day: Architectural Tours INT-00006-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2015
Independent Study SALT: Borrow Less. Borrow Smart. Repay Well – CANCELLED INT-00005-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2015
Independent Study Personal Money Management Strategies for Financial Success – CANCELLED INT-00004-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2015
Independent Study Creating a Simple Book INT-00003-00 Credits Department of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture Department of Urban Planning and Design Independent Study J-Term 2015