Over : Under : Through—Immersive Landscape as Resilient Infrastructure
by Kira Sargent (MLA ’17) — Recipient of ASLA Certificate of Honor and ASLA Certificate of…
by Kira Sargent (MLA ’17) — Recipient of ASLA Certificate of Honor and ASLA Certificate of…
by Kent Hipp (MLA ’17) — Recipient of ASLA Certificate of Honor and ASLA Certificate of…
by Hannah Gaengler (MLA ’17) — Recipient of Norman T. Newton Prize Nearing the end of…
by Tiffany Dang (MLA ’17) — Recipient of ASLA Certificate of Honor and ASLA Certificate…
by Alexandra Mei (MLA ’17) — Recipient of 2017 MLA Thesis Prize The distinction between…
by Evan Farley (MArch ’17) — Recipient of Faculty Design Award MArch I The production of…
by Zack Matthews (MArch ’17) — Recipient of Faculty Design Award MArch II The purpose…
Zahra Safaverdi (MArch II, ’17) — Recipient of James Templeton Kelley Prize Throughout recent history,…
by Benjamin Halpern (MArch ’17) — Recipient of Julia Amore Appleton Traveling Fellowship in Architecture…
by Dana McKinney (MArch/MUP ’17) — Recipient of Alpha Rho Chi Award Upon re-entry, approximately…