GSD Career Services’ 4th Annual Portfolio Review Week

Monday, February 10 through Friday, February 14, 2024 between 8 a.m.–8 p.m. ET
Welcome to Career Services’ 4th Annual Portfolio Review Week, where we give students the chance to virtually meet with a global roster of industry professionals who offer invaluable advice on how to prepare your portfolios for spring and summer recruitment season.
Read below for instructions on how to participate and see an overview of what to expect during your review.
Register on CREATE:
- Register for one review by logging into your CREATE account
- Click on the Counseling tab in the upper right-hand corner
- Click on Request New Appointment
- Select Type: Portfolio Review
- Select time and reviewer of your choice
Portfolio review sessions are limited, and we ask that you only register for one appointment allowing all students the opportunity to take part in this event. Career Services reserves the right to cancel any additional scheduled reviews.
NOTE: If you see a notification that says “No appointments found” when trying to book with a specific reviewer, it is likely their review sessions are full. Please select another reviewer.
Our reviewers:
Reviewers are members of the GSD community and beyond. These volunteers have graciously shared their time to assist you in polishing up your portfolios for the upcoming job and internship search.
Read the reviewer bios and see their available times.
Reviewers have indicated the types of portfolios they are open to reviewing. You will only be able to view and register for a review within your discipline, unless the reviewer has indicated otherwise.
What to expect during your review:
- Reviews will last 25 minutes. Prepare to introduce yourself to your reviewer during the first 5 minutes.
- You will have 20 minutes to review your portfolio. Have your portfolio ready and be prepared to share your screen to present and discuss your work.
- Should you have any additional questions for your reviewer, expect to save those for the last few minutes of your review session.
This is not a hiring event:
Reviewers are not obligated to share any identifying information. This is an event to get advice on how to polish up your portfolios for spring and summer recruitment season. Please be gracious and follow the lead and tone of your reviewer.
Attendance matters:
If you are unable to attend your review session, please cancel your registration on CREATE so that another student can register, and so that your reviewer is not using their valuable time waiting for you.
To cancel an appointment, follow these steps:
- On the CREATE homepage, click the Counseling tab.
- Under Approved Appointments, go to the appointment you wish to cancel.
- Click the three dots on the right-hand side of the appointment and select “cancel” from the dropdown menu.
- You will be prompted to give a reason for cancellation. Your counselor will be notified by email of the cancellation.
Be on time, but be flexible:
Please join the meeting 2-3 minutes before your meeting time. We expect your review to begin on time, however, reviewers are managing their own waiting rooms and may occasionally run a few minutes behind with the student that precedes you. Should this occur, please be patient and understanding.
Career Services staff will be available to troubleshoot and support as needed. The best way to reach us during the event is via email at [email protected].