Advanced Research Seminar: Istanbul Field Study: Finance Center
The Turkish government is relocating numerous national financial institutions from Ankara to a site in the Umraniye district of Istanbul. This national policy action will produce a high tech global financial services district that will serve to further catalyze development. The independent study will provide students an understanding of spatial and economic dynamics that create contemporary urban environments. Students will conduct an analysis of the market, program and project site and utilize their findings to produce a concept urban design and development proposal. Students will travel to Istanbul for 3-5 days to meet with stakeholders, local developers, brokers, civic leaders, and government officials to get the best possible understanding of the site and the strategic goals and growth plans for the city. Students in urban planning, design and real estate are encouraged. Students are also encouraged to take Lecture Course 4405: Istanbul: From Imperial Capital to Global City in conjunction with the Field Study. Enrollment is limited to 3 students. Students will also work closely with Alex Duval, a former GSD architecture graduate who is coordinating the class on behalf of the sponsor, John Portman Holdings from Atlanta. Members of the Portman firm including Jack Portman will be involved with the class.Costs: Students in this course will be term billed $300, in support of international travel. This does not include meals and incidentals.Schedule: 9/15 2-410/8 1-310/20 1-4 midterm review11/10 2-511/17 2-411/24 2-412/1 2-5Limited Enrollment: Preference to be given in the following order:1. MDES real estate and project management students in their second year who are graduating in January (since they will not be here in the spring to take field studies)2. Other 2nd year MDES students who have taken GSD 5204 ??? Real Estate Development and Finance, or its equivalent.3. Urban Planning and Design students in their 2nd year