Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing II
This course continues the exploration of CAD/CAM applications in architecture and design initially raised in GSD 6319 and 6400 during the fall term. The course will focus on the general relationships between design-oriented parametric models and the digitally-enabled manufacturing operations used to convert them into physical reality. Particular emphasis will be placed on the opportunities and limitations associated with different manufacturing processes and strategies. Students will engage in directed independent studies. The theme of these studies will be architectural systems composed of modular elements that can be parametrically varied (which could include, for example, modular enclosure systems, exhibition systems, furnishings, and other applications – including modular housing). Students will explore the design of their systems in relation to realistic production strategies, including the actual physical prototyping of components where it is useful. In addition to full access to in-house CAD/CAM facilities at the GSD, arrangements have been made with a number of external vendors with unique manufacturing capabilities to aid students in making viable and realistic prototypes. Course ActivitiesFollowing introductory sessions, students will choose a topic to pursue in depth – either one of their own choosing approved by the instructors, or from a list provided by them. In subsequent sessions, students will periodically present their evolving designs and strategies as they relate to proposed manufacturing and installation processes. During this same period a variety of field trips have been planned to manufacturing facilities and consultants, including companies that do machining, casting, fabricating and other common operations now commonly accessed through CAD/CAM activities. These field excursions will constitute a major part of the course.Project-based activities generally fall into five major phases. At the end of each phase, students will present their work and/or findings to the class for discussion: Phase I: During this phase, students will be expected to make initial digital parametric solid models of their design work (ideally in Solidworks or Catia). Phase II: Students will explore different manufacturing process alternatives for their designs and study how the adoption of a particular process affects design qualities. Digital design models will be varied to reflect process realities and opportunities.Phase III: Component prototyping – in this phase students will use GSD facilities and/or work with an outside company to make a prototype or prototypes of some part of their design. Possible outside connections include companies that do sand casting, ceramic shell casting, 3d wire bending, plasma and laser cutting, milling and turning, and other techniques.Phase IV: Production studies – in this final phase, students will explore how to use the knowledge gained from the prototyping phase in the development of a production strategy and a related facility. This phase will include looking at the impact of production lot size on facility type, equipment and layout. If interested, students may also look at relationships between production strategies and business models (e.g., \”Lean Manufacturing\”).Phase V: Final project presentation.PrerequisitesStudents having taken either GSD 6319 or GSD 6400 during the fall term automatically fulfill all course prerequisites. Others with equivalent coursework or who don\’t have this specific background may still petition the instructors for admission and may be admitted if space allows.