Construction Automation
Construction AutomationPrerequisites: CAD/CAM 1 or permission of instructorOffered only for the second time this year, this advanced seminar introduces students to emerging technologies under the broad umbrella of construction automation. An extension of computer-aided design and manufacturing techniques covered in GSD 6317, the seminar introduces the principles of robotics and automated systems in the context of architectural construction, with reference to product design and other industries. Lecture topics include a historic overview as well as an introduction to different types of robotic systems, automation systems and their elements. Techniques and strategies for programming industrial robots will be introduced, including the use of offline simulation, scripting, direct programming and programming environments with graphical user interfaces. Automation concepts within design development environments will be explored as well, and a particular focus is the partly automated generation of robot programs.The experimental part of the class this year is designed as a collaborative workshop and laboratory. The goal will be to create a single robotic installation that will be defined collaboratively. This installation will serve as a microcosm through which general issues of robotic fabrication and robotic control are explored. Individual students will be able to explore particular interests within the framework of the installation (e.g. scripting and programming, design for robotic handling, fabrication, materials and others).Immersion experiments will serve as skill builders in robotic fabrication. Both industrial robots will be used — the small material handling system as well as the large robotic mill/waterjet. In addition to lectures, workshops and labs there will be several guest lectures and local field trips. Enrollment is limited to 15 students.