Curating Architecture
Gaspar Libedinsky
Jan 7-11 (MWTRF) / 10-7
This week-long workshop will study experiences, themes and mechanisms of curatorial projects for Art and Architecture Biennials worldwide. Led by Gaspar Libedinsky, lead designer of New York’s High Line Park, visual artist and Curator of Architecture of Platform 5280 Biennial of the Americas to open in Denver in July 2013, the course will produce a site specific ‘communication device’ to be built under a predetermined budget (TBD) and installed for this Art and Architecture Biennial which will use the city and its public spaces as its primary exhibition space. Denver is a city with a wide range of relevant museums designed by star architects. However, attracting the local public to its cultural offer has always been a difficult task. The piece of work, which could have a virtual or physical urban presence, should communicate Denverites in an exciting and engaging way about the upcoming cultural event through BTL (‘beyond the line’) advertisement techniques to operate within the Biennial’s own identity and Denver’s social and city fabric.
Class Format:
I: Lectures
II: Class discussion
III: Design Strategies
IIII: Design Crits
!!!!!: Construction
IIIIII: Installation (to be installed by instructor in 2013 with all participants being properly
credited as authors of the work)
Lecturers and guest critics will include:
– Abaseh Mirvali, Platform 5280 Biennial of the Americas, Chief Executive Officer and
President, Comisaria
– Soledad Alvarez Campos, Platform 5280 Biennial of the Americas, Communications
– Carlos Bayala, Madre Advertisement Agency, Director
Please contact Gaspar Libedinsky for further info: [email protected]