Emerging Urbanity Case Studies of Pacific Rim Megaprojects
Emerging Urbanity is an inquiry that seeks to answer a series of interrelated questions on the character of urban space in the contemporary city. It explores the relationship between the recent theories of the city and the production of contemporary urban space, and it seeks to understand how physical urban projects manifest meaning and how a conscious articulation of this understanding might inform design initiative.In an age where the models that we once relied on seem no longer valid to the currency of our time, how might we begin to develop new models and principals that might inform design proposals? By exploring the recent production of global urban projects in the Asia Pacific Rim, the seminar aims to locate the role of design agency in the global sphere.Students will determine an urban project as their case study for this seminar. The projects will be critically examined to explore the consequences of global homogeneity and the resulting lack of spatial distinction.Previously, this seminar has focused on Pacific Rim megaprojects. The option of looking at these projects is still open to students, however the seminar is interested in a comparison of global projects. The course will begin with two introductory lectures, which will set the scene for a consideration of a series of readings and projects. Readings will attempt to uncover various contemporary notions of the \”idea of the city.\” Among the authors whose writings will be considered are: Lynch, Rossi, Rowe, Venturi, Krier, Tschumi, Koolhaas, and Duany.Following these introductory sessions, there will be a series of seminar presentations by students, focusing on texts and projects.Pedagogic Objective:To amplify the students\’ understanding of the \”idea of the city\” with theories of the city in design discourse. The focus will be within the design discipline itself to uncover primary ways of thinking about the city and how this informs the production of the urban project.Time Commitment: 12 hours a week.Basis of Final Grade:The basis of the final grade will be the performance of each student in the individual seminar presentations, combined with a final essay submitted at the end of the semester.