Talent, ingenuity, determination, and skill are all characteristics required of an architect to maintain a successful contemporary practice given the realities of a competitive global marketplace and the definitional vagaries of that elusive qualifier: \”success.\” An invariably indeterminate term, the objective of this seminar is to gain a critical understanding of its meaning as it applies to several key operative principles within professional architectural practice. Nine early- to mid-career principal architects practicing at the highest level of recognition in their field and demonstrating a wide range of praxis will present their firm\’s identity, philosophy, history, client contexts, working methods, strategic platforms, and examples of their work in this seminar. Visiting practitioners are scheduled to present during the first half of the semester and will serve as case studies for student research.Class attendance and participation are mandatory. Q&A sessions with visiting practitioners, independent research, assigned readings, and final case study presentations constitute the basis for this seminar. Enrollment is limited to 20 students. Prerequisite for first professional degree students: 3rd semester standing or above.