Exceptional Presentation Skills
Instructor: Chris Soucy, Partner, Innate Force
Max Enrollment: 40
Date/Time: Jan 5/9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Location: 510
Description: Would you like to be a more relaxed and engaging public speaker? Want to know how to control your nerves, connect with your audience, and get your message across succinctly? Curious about the differences between classroom presentations you’ve given as a student and what is expected in those given by a working professional?
Preparation is the key to building confidence, calming nerves, and ultimately giving a successful presentation. In this workshop, we will explore the essential elements of effective presentations, including: organization, vocal delivery, physical presence, overcoming nervousness, using visual aids, as well as engaging and holding the audience’s attention. In addition, we will cover the key differences you’ll encounter between presentations given in the ‘safe’ environment of the classroom versus those you’ll give to clients, your peers, and your supervisors. Finally, you will be provided with time and tools to develop a simple practice presentation to try out your delivery.
The main learning concepts of the course are adapted from the book “The Exceptional Presenter” by Timothy Koegel. In his book, he explains the “OPEN-UP” formula as a method to come across as a truly authentic presenter. The “OPEN-UP” acronym stands for:
O = Organized
P = Passionate
E = Engaging
N = Natural
U = Understanding Your Audience
P = Practice, Practice, Practice
This is a highly interactive course; there are multiple learning activities that serve to introduce each of these ideas and then give a quick exercise to put the concept into practice in the training room for immediate feedback and coaching. The detailed participant guide includes many pieces of supplemental learning for those that seek a deeper dive into any one of the areas.
What you’ll learn:
• How to organize your presentation for maximum impact on any given audience
• How to manage your nerves from start to finish and channel your energy productively
• What your current strengths and challenges are as a public speaker