Innovation in Structure
In our recent examples of architecture, visions of architects are enhanced by innovative approach in structure by leading engineers. They engage in early stages of design process and significant dialogue takes place between architects and engineers. The understanding of structures is evolving from static to dynamic; introduction of new and improved materials takes place hand in hand with evaluation and consultation of structural engineers. They observe forces that may not be visible from the surface and they analyze the performative characteristics of buildings. With the advancement of physics and rapid development in technology, one of the most fascinating and interesting frontiers in architecture takes place in conversation with structural engineers. Practicing engineers from all over the world are invited to present their work and to engage in conversation in our seminar to see the limits and possibilities in the frontiers of practice where they constantly defy and re-interpret the forces of nature. Invited guests include William Baker of SOM Structures; Werner Sobek, Stuttgart; Guy Nordenson, New York; Mutsuro Sasaki, Tokyo; Hans Schober of Schlaich Bergmann, Stuttgart/New York; Marc Mimram, Paris; Hanif Kara, London; among others. At the end of the semester, students are required to present a case study of one of these engineers\’ projects.A parallel exercise takes place in a form of \”Extreme Textiles\” where textile tectonic is used to envision innovative structures. They are theoretical excursuses, however, that reflect on the exhibition at Cooper Hewitt Museum of the same title, referencing it to actual industries developing these technologies for purposes other than architecture. An opening in New York on April 7th and symposium on May 12th are optional for students to attend.The class is open to those who are interested but prerequisites include an equivalent of the core structure sequence.The classes meet on Tuesdays, 9am-11am. However, the first meeting takes place at 11am-12pm on February 8th.