Landscape Representation I
This course introduces students to the history, techniques, and conventions of representation used in the field of landscape architecture. Rather than a static description of a set design agenda, landscape representation is an active means for understanding and building complexity in design work. The primary objective of the course is the cultivation of a drawing practice that facilitates critical thinking, the testing of design ideas, and effective communication. Students will work with a range of two- and three-dimensional drawing and representation types, including orthographic (plan, section, elevation), oblique, and perspective projections, sketching from observation, and photographic annotation. Emphasis is placed on concurrent and iterative development of analog and digital representation techniques; analog media include graphite, ink, and mixed media, and digital software include AutoCAD and the Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign). The course begins with a five-day pre-semester workshop that introduces students to orthographic projection through a reading of precedent drawings from the landscape architecture canon. Subsequent module topics continue to draw from precedent, while introducing field sketching, photo documentation, graphic layout, and verbal presentation skills. Classes consist of lectures, assignment tutorials, and desk-crits. Topics and assignments for GSD2141 are closely integrated with GSD111: Landscape Architecture I Design Studio and are designed to provide strategies and tools for approaching studio work. Evaluation will be based on class participation and a series of weekly exercises; grades will reflect growth made throughout the semester. There are no pre-requisites.