Projection: Latin: Projectum, Proicere:
Pro:forth, Jacere:throw, Throw-Forth, (in place and time)
Action, process, state, condition, technique, effect of throwing out, away and forth, pushing out, appearing, articulating itself on the surface, sticking out, standing out.
1 : the act of installing : the state of being installed
2 : something that is installed for use
3 : a military camp, fort, or base
4 : a work of art that usually consists of multiple components often in mixed media and that is exhibited in a usually large space in an arrangement specified by the artist
1. To come, appear, or lie between two things
2. To come or occur between two periods or points of time
3. To occur as an extraneous or unplanned circumstance
4. To involve oneself in a situation so as to alter or hinder an action or development
Since the early 80s, the use of rapidly developing video projection technologies have become so popular among artists and media professionals that they stand today as a standard audiovisual technique. Projection has become an integral part of most multimedia installations, façade “mapping,” animations, and other art projects in public spaces, and in art galleries—as well as an important component of common cultural, political and commercial events.
The aim of this course is to review and evaluate this phenomenon while inspiring and assisting students in their search for original concepts in hope for expanding the expressive, analytical, interventional, and interrogative potential of art of projection.
The primary objective of the workshop will be practical work, involving the development of projections, installations, and related projects. These projects may be engaging interior and/or exterior spaces, architectural forms and environments; they may become interactive or responsive, performative; they may operate as temporary or semi-permanent, or envisaged as permanent multimedia installations.
The theoretical part of the workshop will include readings and discussions of texts addressing various present day practices, concepts, notions, and techniques, as well as the heritage of the art of projection, installation, and media intervention.
Projects can be developed individually or in teams. Students may design and experiment with new communicative tools, equipment, software and networks and should feel free to integrate their artistic and theoretical research interests with the course agenda. Final class project will be realized as a public event/installation/ projection at the site(s) inside or outside of Harvard campus, to be chosen by students.
There will be a mid-term review and a final project review. Guest reviewers will be invited to speak and respond to student projects. Visits to relevant projection installation and intervention sites or events will be arranged.