Responsive Environments
Digitally driven interactive experiences have become an extension of our bodies that extend into our environment. The design of these experiences is often derived by technological advancements of embedded technologies. In recent years architects have had a growing interest in integrating dynamic experiences in architectural and urban spaces. Usually the trend has been to borrow from on-screen interactive media and apply it to the built environment. The results are usually an exercise in scale at best. Responsive Environments explores the potentials of body-centric interactive spaces as a building block of spatial experience. The course explores ideas of interactive experiences with an emphasis on digital/analog inversions. The seminar goes through a series of case studies in film, music and architecture that create a successful digital analog inversion to understand the elements and the fundamentals of creating digitally driven responsive environments. The course also takes a hands-on and in-depth look at different enabling technologies. The outcomes of the course are prototypes and full-scale interactive installations.