Saja-Besaya River Basin, Spain
RIVER BASIN AND INDUSTRIAL LANDSNorthern Spain The Saja-Besaya River Basin and the San Martin Estuary into which it feeds suffers from anoxia (due to wastewater flows from the town of Torrelavega (population ~100,000). Also, their sediments are contaminated with heavy metals from an open-pit and subterranean Lead & Zinc mine (closed down 2 years ago) immediately to the west of Torrelavega. Just north of the town along the river, is a pulp plant and a chlorine plant both of which discharge into the river/estuary. There are also two chemical factories on the northern coast where the estuary meets the Atlantic. Note that this region is an important tourist area with several famous cultural landmarks including the Cave-paintings of Altamira.The general project is an Integrated Master Plan for Remediation/Restoration of the River Basin that would include: – Remediation/Restoration of the river & estuary- Reclamation of the now-closed lead/zinc mine- Reclamation of several other brownfield sites (e.g. closed chemical plant & landfill site)- Master Plan for the future development of the river corridor between Torrelavega and Suances