Urban Grids: Open form for City Design-2
Within a larger research scope on “Revisiting the urban grids in the XXI century”, this seminar will focus on the investigation of recent urbanistic projects which use the grid and its multiple variations as their main structural device for the construction of the city. The ultimate objective of the course is to develop new understanding of the way we are approaching the design of the city by means of “grids and networks”
Research Topics:
The research seminar will specifically focus on the following topics:
A) Reviewing conceptual framework: grid / block / mesh / matrix/ checkboard, etc
B) Researching seminal Projects (city fragments) that suggest new design paradigms. Study in quantitative features to understand qualitative values,
C) Comparative studies between the various investigations in order to establish both individual research tracts and a collective agenda for the research group.
D ) Seminar will focus on “seminal-projects” that will provide basis for comparative reference.
Course Format and Method:
Even though a few introductory readings will be handed out at the beginning of the course, the seminar will explore the topics primarily through the construction of analytical and operative drawings.
The seminar is open to all students in GSD. Note that a high level of graphic skills is required. Students will work individually and in groups of 2.
Notice: ***Please note that the material circulated during the seminar is for use within the seminar only.
Class meets with main instructor on weeks starting: January 23 / January 30/ February 13/ February 20/ March 6/ March 20/ April 10 / April 24.
Individual research and meetings with Teaching Fellow the rest of the weeks.
The classes are held on Monday and Wednesday from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.