Visualizing Open Space (cancelled)
Prerequisites: GSD 2107, GSD2306, or permission of instructor. Proficiency with computing and willingness to adventure.This course examines the special problems and opportunities involved in creating dynamic digital landscapes for digitally literate landscape designers and others who wish to go beyond static geometric representations and simple animations. Special emphasis is on techniques and software for modeling dynamic processes in the landscape – especially motion through and movement of the landscape; and for presenting landscape visualizations, using digital video and immersive 3D projection.Lecture/Workshop format, exercises using 3D modeling, animation and rendering software, digital video editing and production. Course exercises will be presented in a \”gallery\” on the Web. Final project and course emphasis in fall 2001 will be upon \”Visualizing \’Open Space\’\”, using the proposed new park system created by the depression of Boston\’s Central Artery as the site for exploration.Exercises will include: Choreography; Movement through the Landscape Animation; Movement of the Landscape Views,Lights and LightingPedagogic Objectives:This course is designed for GSD students who have mastered intermediate digital modeling skills and wish to explore the complications associated with modeling dynamic systems and processes, as well as the nuances of digital visualizations. We will explore techniques such as digital video and immersive 3D projection along the way.Time Commitment: 6-12 hours/weekBasis of Final Grade: There will be three exercises (45%) and a final project (55%). Grading will take account both of the technical aspects of the exercise and of the design content and graphic quality of the work.Required Texts: none – some references will be provided.Stephen Ervin [email protected] Rm 520