WALKING is a seminar on the history, culture and practice of pedestrian movement, as it concerns design. We shall study some texts of varied kinds, write and video our walking in both urban and rural situations, and offer design proposals for walking in different situations. We shall discussion different modes of walking – in pilgrimage (both old and modern, religious and secular), recipes for exploring different landscape sites, the work of designers like Gunther Vogt and land artists like Fulton – we shall listen to songs about walking and of course watch Monty Python;s \”Department of Funny Walks\”. The seminar will proceed by discussion of texts, practice and historical perspectives. Students will offer three submissions – in addition to their full participation in discussion – a review of one book on walking (see syllabus for suggested list), a short mid-term exercise and a final paper discussed in class before submission (again see Syllabus, which contains a draft list of weekly topics and readings.)