Distinguished planner donates papers to GSD
Carol Thomas, a former instructor at the Graduate School of Design and a pioneering figure in American planning, has donated her papers to the Frances Loeb Library.
Carol Thomas, a former instructor at the Graduate School of Design and a pioneering figure in American planning, has donated her papers to the Frances Loeb Library.
When humanitarian relief organizations substitute for civic structures in states weakened by crisis and conflict, a new type of urbanism prevails, contends Marianne Potvin (MDesS ‘13 and PhD). Too often the resulting agendas ignore or sacrifice the needs of the devastated populations they purport to serve. Potvin examines this phenomenon through the lens of “humanitarian urbanism” in an article for Open Democracy entitled "Kabul: the humanitarian city."
Mexico City was recently selected recently for the Rockefeller Foundation's 100 Resilient Cities Centennial Challenge, and 6 students and alums from the GSD and HKS contributed to that success. Acting as the Agencia de Resiliencia Urbana (Urban Resilience Collective), Adriana Chávez (MDesS and MArch '14), Víctor Rico Espínola (MAUD '14), Oscar Malaspina (MAUD '13), Elena Tudela (MAUD '12), Einat Rosenkrantz (MAUD '13) and Johanan Rivera (HKS MPAID '13) collaborated with Mexico City to create its winning proposal.
The Smart[er] Citizens research and teaching collaboration between the GSD and Bergamo University has launched with a one-week design workshop in Bergamo, Italy. The workshop's strategic analysis of Bergamo will form the basis for the Smart[er] Cities course being offered in the 2014 spring semester by Nashid Nabian.
Design scholars and practitioners from around the world just released the Laufen Manifesto for a Humane Design Culture. They went public in a video that includes the voices of: Andres Lepik (LF ’12), Rahul Mehrotra (chair of urban planning and design), Christian Werthmann (former chair of department of landscape architecture), Martin Rauch (Austrian artist who collaborated on the Mudworks installation), Caroline James (MArch ‘14, Loeblogger and chair of Women in Development) and Anna Heringer (LF ’12), along with many others. Learn more about the principles they espouse.
Wendy W Fok (DDes ’16) announced as one of the 13 shortlisted candidates of the Emerging Designer Competition following a Canada-wide search that commenced in March 2013.
Felipe Correa (associate professor of urban design) will deliver the main lecture on urbanism and lansdcape at the annual INFONAVIT Conference in Mexico.
Eve Blau presents “Mapping Hybrid Urban Conditions in Postsocialist Europe” at UC Berkeley on November 1 in the MAPPING AND ITS DISCONTENTS SYMPOSIUM.
The Joint Center for Housing Studies symposium, “What Works in Community Investing: A Community Development Summit,” brought in leading community developers from the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.
Ecosistema Urbano, the firm of Belinda Tato and Jose Luis Vallejo (both design critics in urban planning and design), just won the Silver Award of the Taipei International Design Award 2013 in the Public Space Design category . Their "Energy carousel" is the creative embodiment of a more sustainable approach to urbanism.