Brown Bag: Internationally Comparative Housing Research: What’s the Point?

Join us for a lunchtime conversation with Professor Michael Oxley, Director of the University of Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research in England.  

Professor Oxley was previously Professor of Housing at De Montfort University and a visiting Research Fellow at Delft University of Technology. He has published widely in the field of social rental housing and housing finance. This has included work on investment in social housing in the UK and internationally. He led a project for the English Department of Communities and Local Government on internationally comparative work on promoting investment in rented housing and has contributed to work for the Dutch governmental housing finance and the global financial crisis. He has been a consultant to the World Bank on rental housing research (2011); consultant to the government of Flanders on housing policy research (2011) and consultant to UN Habitat on social housing finance. He has conducted research for many funders including ESRC, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, national and local governments, and UN Habitat. He has a doctorate in housing economics from the University of Leicester.

Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies

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