HAPI Webinar Series: Ann Forsyth, “Planning and Design Health Assessment Tools”

Drawing on the research in other parts of the Health and Places Initiative (HAPI) project, including visits to China, this webinar will present new health impact assessment tools and their application to testing both existing and planned neighborhoods.

Professor Ann Forsyth will discuss the research and development of a scoping checklist to assess whether health impacts are likely to be large enough to warrant further analysis; a workshop-based method for interactively assessing health impacts, engaging stakeholders in modifying an initial technical assessment to take account of local conditions. This is a variation of what is commonly termed the rapid assessment; a comprehensive checklist of key issues to consider and basic indicators of better health. This would be for “desktop” use on draft proposals. Click here for more information about this webinar.

This webinar is presented as part of the Health and Places Initiative (HAPI), a joint project of the Harvard Graduate School of Design (HGSD) and the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) to create a forum for understanding the multiple issues that face cities in light of rapid urbanization and an aging population worldwide.

Principal Speaker: 1902

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