Lecture: Muriel Waldvogel, “Sentient Spaces”

Muriel Waldvogel is co-founder and principal of Convergeo. Her work explores the nature of multi-sensory experiencing and communication, with a particular focus on the feelings, emotions, and thoughts evoked by the sense of touch that are hidden in images and spaces. Waldvogel received her BA from Barnard College, and her Dipl Arch and PhD from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. She was a visiting scholar at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab, the Harvard Business School, in the Mind and Market Group, and was the recipient of the IKEA Design/Innovation Award. 

Cyberspace is infiltrating our everyday lives, changing our conception and perception of architecture. Traditional typologies from the industrial age – static, minimal, inflexible – must give way to new, dynamic, evolving, interactive architectures. In our work, we examine the challenges of converging physical and virtual typologies. Though artistic installations, speculative inquiries and built projects, we question spatial organizations and address the delicate balance between connectivity and surveillance. The capacity of spaces to feel, remember and react, opens the door to a sentient architecture.

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Women in Design and Swissnex

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