RED Club Panel Discussion: “The Architect as Developer”

In contemporary practice architects often find themselves relegated to the role of consultants, having to cede project leadership to developers who may or may not understand the importance of a well-designed product. A handful of architects, however, have decided to buck this trend and work as their own clients. By integrating the design and the development aspects of project delivery, the architect-as-developer business model allows the architect greater control in the project delivery process, resulting often in projects that are not only financially successful but beautifully designed as well. Join the Harvard RED Club on November 5th as we welcome some of the industry’s leading professionals in a panel discussion on the architect-as-developer practice model.

Speakers will include:
Alex Barrett, Barret Design and Development
Jared Della Valle, Alloy LLC
Cary Tamarkin, Tamarkin Co.

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