Rethinking Social Housing in Mexico: Final Presentation of a Three-Year Research Project Funded by INFONAVIT

Diane Davis (Principal Investigator of Rethinking Social Housing in Mexico—RESHIM) will present the results of the Governance Report and Best Practices focusing primarily on the Urban Value Creation Platform for sustainable urban development and social housing renovation in Mexican cities. Carlos Zedillo (Head of the Research Center for Sustainable Development of the Mexican National Workers’ Housing Fund Institute—INFONAVIT) will join GSD faculty and students in a discussion of strategies for better coordinating different levels of government to produce and renovate social housing in urban Mexico.
Diane Davis
Charles Dyer Norton Professor of Regional Planning and Urbanism; Chair, Department of Urban Planning and Design, Harvard GSD
Nélida Escobedo
Research Associate, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Bing Wang
Associate Professor in Practice of Real Estate and the Built Environment
Enrique Silva
Senior Research Associate for Latin America and the Caribbean program at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Richard Peiser
Michael D. Spear Professor of Real Estate Development
Introductory Remarks:
Carlos Zedillo
Head of the Research Center for Sustainable Development, INFONAVIT
Chris Herbert
Managing Director, Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies
RESHIM is a multifaceted project focused on two central research components: 1) case study research in seven metropolitan areas across Mexico and 2) planning guidelines for redensification and sustainable urban development. In partnership with INFONAVIT, the RESHIM project has coordinated three Urban Planning and Design Option Studios at the GSD, with work in Celaya, Tlalnepantla, Oaxaca, and Mérida.
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