The Picturesque: Andrew Holder in Conversation with Anna Neimark and Andrew Atwood
Anna Neimark (GSD ’07 and Faculty at Sci Arc) and Andrew Atwood (GSD ’07 and Assistant Professor at UC Berkeley) of First Office will present their recent work on “The Kid Gets out the Picture,” currently on view in Loeb Library.
The Kid Gets Out of the Picture is a contemporary update on the aesthetic principles of early 19th century English landscape architecture. By the early-nineteenth century, practitioners of the English picturesque had invented a catalog of objects (follys, ha-has, viewpoints) that worked to produce the pictorial effects of landscape painting within real space. Lumps, clumps, and masses made it possible, in a sense, to occupy the picture. The a three-month long exhibition – on view in Los Angeles at Materials & Applications as well as at the GSD – returns to the catalog of nouns developed by the picturesque to ask how these tactics can be deployed in reverse, extracting the qualities of images and literalizing them in the real world.
Guest curated by Los Angeles Design Group, the project is a collaborative installation by LADG, First Office, Laurel Broughton/Andrew Kovacs, and Hirsuta.
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