Urban Theory Lab | Scapegoat: Architecture/Landscape/Political Economy

Join Jane Hutton (LA faculty) and Adrian Blackwell (visiting LA/UP faculty), SCAPEGOAT editorial board members, and Neil Brenner, director of the Urban Theory Lab, for a conversation about Scapegoat as a collective project and its latest issue on Currency.

Issue 04: Currency 


SCAPEGOAT is an independent journal focusing on the relationship between architecture, landscape architecture, and political economy. The journal examines the links between capitalism and the built environment, addressing the power relations that structure space, the exploitation of labor and resources, and the uneven distribution of environmental risks and benefits. Since 2009, Scapegoat has addressed the foundations of spatial design practice in its issues: PROPERTY, SERVICE, MATERIALISM, REALISM and CURRENCY.

Currency is structured by the contradiction between its necessary circulation and its stubborn connections to the specific geographies of sovereign and private properties. The diverse contributions to Scapegoat’s fifth issue, CURRENCY, investigate this apparent contradiction to argue that currency is land that has become mobile and urbanization is driven by financialization. The issue presents ways that the relationship between spatial design and money can be rethought through local currencies, recovered spaces, informal exchanges, new currents of information, and affective circuits.

CURRENCY issue editors:
Chris LEE and Adrian BLACKWELL; contributors include: Brett NEILSON & Sandro MEZZADRA, Emily GILBERT, Keith HART, Emilio MORENO, Peter NORTH, Georgios PAPADOPOULOS & Jack Henrie FISHER, Rob KOVITZ, Robert FISHMAN, Abbas AKHAVAN, Srdjan LONCAR, Marcelo VIETA, Emanuele BRAGA, Roberta BUIANI, EXROTAPRINT, Peter MÖRTENBÖCK & Helge MOOSHAMMER, Steven CHODORIWSKY, Matthieu BAIN & Andrew PERKINS, AbdouMaliq SIMONE, Claire PENTECOST, Rosten WOO, Jordan GEIGER, Ricardo DOMINGUEZ, Alessandra RENZI, Paige SARLIN, Suriya UMPANSIRIRATANA, Adam SMITH, Ajahn KENG, Robert ADAMS, Brendan BAYLOR & Heath SCHULTZ, FAKE INDUSTRIES ARCHITECTURAL AGONISM and Alan ANTLIFF

Drinks and light snacks provided


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