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Harvard Magazine on the Community Innovation Lab

In the Community Innovation Lab, guided by Michael Hooper (assistant professor of urban planning) and Susan Crawford( visiting Stanton professor of the First Amendment), GSD and HKS students teamed up with three community groups in Boston and the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics to make “big ideas” a reality in the Dudley and Upham’s Corner neighborhoods.

Dec 19, 2012


John Hong and Jinhee Park in the Design Vanguard

Jinhee Park (design critic in architecture and MArch ’02) and John Hong (adjunct associate professor and MArch ‘96) are in the Architectural Record “2012 Design Vanguard.” The honor comes right on the heels of a Chicago Athenaeum American Architecture Award for their White Block Gallery.

Dec 19, 2012


Preparing for the storm: Jerold Kayden at HSPH forum

Jerold Kayden (professor of urban planning and design) joined colleagues from FEMA, MGH, the Harvard Center for the Environment and FAS for a HSPH forum and webcast called “Big Weather and Coastal Cities: Resilience in the Face of Disaster,”  moderated by Huffington Post senior writer Tom Zeller Jr. Read about the forum in “Lessons for the next Sandy” in the Harvard Gazette.

Dec 16, 2012


Sinking Gardens: Alan Waxman and Nikola Bojic connect past to future in Hangzhou

“Sinking Gardens,” by Nikola Bojic (MDesS 13) and Alan Waxman (MLA 14), was installed in XiXi National Wetland Park in Hangzhou for the 2012 West Lake International Sculpture Exhibition. The work connects the history of families who lived for generations in XiXi with the contemporary building boom, and lays claim to public space for the future of China.

Dec 11, 2012


Architecture for the senses: Pierre Hermé at the GSD

For anyone to whom the similarity between a building and a French pastry is not evident, Pierre Herme’s presentation, “The Architecture of Taste,” at the GSD last week was a revelation. Herme’s approach to designing unique tastes through a combination of flavors and textures “is analogous to the programmatic construction that takes place in architecture,” observes Savinien Caracostea (MArch ’13), the event organizer. Read more about it in “Constructing the Perfect Bite” in Harvard Magazine.

Dec 9, 2012


Imagining Mumbais future: GSD team wins APA-MA award

A team of Harvard students has won the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Planning Association 2012 Student Project Award.  James Cody Birkey (MDesS ’13) and Jaemin Ha (MAUD ’12) collaborated with Mukul Bafana (HBS) and Laura Bishop (HLS) on the Mumbai Port Redevelopment project.

Dec 4, 2012