
GSD students present at Med.Net.EU.12 conference

4 GSD students were invited to deliver papers at the international Med.Net.EU.12 conference in Genoa, Italy, June 28 and 29. Daniel Ibañez (MDesS ’12, DDesS Candidate ’15) and Fadi Masoud (MLAII ‘ 12) discussed “Topo-logics in the Mediterranean Basin: Exploring potentials of topography as infrastructure and resource for new urban metabolisms,” proposing to redefine the city as a nexus of capital accumulation, resource and energy production, and landscape for settlement and infrastructure. In a paper entitled “Recalibrating the Mediterranean,” Laurent Corroyer (MDesS ’13) and Jeannette Sordi (Visiting Student ’13) examined the new geographies of the Mediterranean and its fluctuating boundaries.
The Med.Net.EU.12 conference was organized by the PhD School of Architecture and Design of the Università degli studi di Genova. The theme this year invited participants to consider the factors that determine territorial geographies in the modern age, as informational and relational determinants supplant space-time factors in importance.