Fadi Masoud (MLAII ’12) has just been awarded the 2012 Royal Architectural Institute of Canada’s National Urban Design Award in the student category as part of a team from the University of Toronto.
The winning project, “Feed Toronto: Growing the Hydrofields,” re-imagines over 8,000 acres of public lawn as an abundant urban green generating affordable, nutritious, local food. Its aim is no less than a change in perception about the supremacy of the private lawn landscape as well.
The influential and competitive National Urban Design Award recognizes contributions to urban quality of life and sustainability. The jury called Feed Toronto “a visionary, remarkably mature, and refreshing student project. Instead of aesthetic experiments, the students choose to pursue a less spectacular but ambitious and generous task – to transform Toronto’s power line corridors into a viable sustainable farming enterprise capable of feeding a lot of its population…It is comforting to know that with such projects and goals the future of the city building professions (and urbanism) is well ensured.”
View all the 2012 Urban Design Award recipients.