A number of Landscape Architecture faculty have been recognized by the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). Gary Hilderbrand, (MLA ’85), FASLA, FAAR, Adjunct Professor of Landscape Architecture; and Douglas Reed, (MLA ’81), Principals of Reed Hilderbrand Associates recently received a Professional Honor Award in residential design for their firm’s project “Reordering Old Quarry.” The project focuses on reshaping an existing abandoned quarry in Guilford, Connecticut and enhancing the landscape of a modern house on the site, creating clarity and pathways around the house and water’s edge.
Martha Schwartz, FASLA, Professor in Practice of Landscape Architecture; Ken Smith (MLA 86’); and David Meyer of Schwartz, Smith, Meyer Inc. were recipients of The Landmark Award for their work at the Yorkville Park in Toronto, Canada. In conjunction with Olesan Worland Architects of Toronto, the project redefined the urban park, creating a space to reflect on the landscape, history and the city.
Kongjian Yu, (DDesS ’95), Visiting Professor of Landscape Architecture, and Principal of Turenscape, received the Award of Excellence in general design for his project “A Green Sponge for a Water – Resilient City: Qunli Stormwater Park” in Haerbin City, Heilongjiang Province, China. The park is an 84 acre expanse functioning as protection of a wetland important to the region, which also contains a network of paths for visitors to easily observe nature and includes a skywalk to afford panoramic views of the wetlands.
Bradley Cantrell, (MLA ’03), Visiting Assistant Professor in Landscape Architecture, received the Award of Excellence in communications for his book Digital Drawing for Landscape Architecture: Contemporary Techniques and Tools for Digital Representation in Site Design. In this book, Bradley and Wes Michaels, ASLA, New Orleans focus on the communication of how to work effectively in digital media for landscape architects that have been trained in traditional representation methods.