Architectural Record has just introduced its “2012 Design Vanguard,” and Jinhee Park (design critic in architecture and MArch ’02) and John Hong (adjunct associate professor and MArch ‘96) are on the list. Their partnership SsD is one of 10 innovative firms anticipated to be architecture’s international leaders of the future.
Marked by a spare and elegant aesthetic, SsD’s projects address real needs in places like Park’s native South Korea, where density dictated their design for micro-housing in Seoul.
The firm has garnered other recent awards. The White Block Gallery in South Korea won a 2012 American Architecture Award from the Chicago Athenaeum and was exhibited at the Istanbul Biennial. The gallery commission was a result of the attention Park’s work attracted when she won the 2009 AIA Young Architects Award.
Read more about the Architectural Record 2012 Design Vanguard.
Read more about the Chicago Athenaeum 2012 American Architecture Awards
Photo by Chang Kyun Kim for SsD