
Tara Tan’s CLOUD goes to Japan

Tara Tan’s (MDesS ’14) mixed media installation on memory and the city, CLOUD, is opening December 5 in Tokyo as part of Festival Tokyo.  The performance, which examines through film, live performance, evocative soundscapes and twitter feeds the ways we remember in the digital age, was presented in Singapore at the Esplanade Theatre Studio in June. Luat Duong (MDesS ’14) was the set designer.

Tan reaches across media to explore how film, theatre and digital media engage memory. Three narrative threads range in focus from the micro to the macro, from the disintegration of a marriage, to a character whose function is to create memories for other people, to a larger story about cities and their foundation of collective consciousness.

Read more about CLOUD in a review in Blouin ArtInfo written after the Singapore premier.