
Participatory Promise: Antony Gormley at the GSD

By Hope Hardesty, MLA ’14

For the last major lecture of the fall semester, the Margaret McCurry Lecture in Design Arts, the GSD community enjoyed an evening with celebrated British sculptor and installation artist Antony Gormley. Gormley creates spaces that encourage active participation with art rather than passive observation, calling into question the exclusivity of art along with art’s relationship to design. 

Read on at the LOEBlog

Image: Antony Gormley’s One & Other, produced by Artichoke, 2009. Photo copyright Matthew Andrews.

For the last major lecture of the fall semester, the Margaret McCurry Lecture in Design Arts, the GSD community enjoyed an evening with celebrated British sculptor and installation artist Antony Gormley. Gormley creates spaces that encourage active participation with art rather than passive observation, calling into question the exclusivity of art along with art’s relationship to design. – See more at: