
GSD alumni hosts receptions in New Orleans and Denver

GSD alumni in New Orleans.  

In October, GSD NOLA alumni welcomed this year’s Loeb Fellows to their city during a reception held at Eskew+Dumez+Ripple Studio, recipients of the 2014 AIA National Firm Award. The Fellows ventured south this year for the Annual Loeb Alumni/ae Fall Study Tour, where the group spent several days exploring the rich historical city of New Orleans on walking tours, panels, working sessions, and networking. Organized by GSD Alumni Council members Collette Creppell AB ’82, MArch ’90 and Kevin Harris MArch ’80, along with Sabeen Hasan MArch ’09, guests were also treated to a talk during the reception by Irvin Mayfield, cultural ambassador of New Orleans and founder of the New Orleans Jazz Institute, who spoke about “The Art of Building Good Ideas.”  Read about more the tour and the Loeb Fellows on their blog.

Collette Creppell and Kevin Harris.

Irvin Mayfield, cultural ambassador of New Orleans.

In November, the GSD headed to Denver for the ASLA Annual Meeting. Mark Johnson MLAUD ’82 invited the GSD alumni community and colleagues to a reception at Civitas, Inc., the firm he co-founded in 1984. Charles Waldheim AM ’09, John E. Irving Professor of Landscape Architecture and Chair of the Department of Landscape Architecture, welcomed the crowd during the reception and shared updates from the School. 

To see more great pictures from the reception, visit our Facebook page.  

GSD alumni and friends gather in Denver for ASLA. 

Charles Waldheim welcomes the crowd. 

*Photos from NOLA courtesy of Beth Millstein and Peter Vanderwarker LF ’97.