Rosetta Elkin, assistant professor of landscape architecture, opens her new exhibition Live Matter on Tuesday, May 5, offering a meditation on plant life from the perspective that is the most concealed: through the roots. Elkin’s exhibit invites visitors to stand beneath the fully excavated root system of a mature tree, gaining a rare vantage point from which to reconsider the foundations and development of plant life.
“I hope people take away an appreciation for the aliveness of the plant world,” she told the Harvard Gazette, “and the mystery.”
The exhibition is in partnership with the Arnold Arboretum and will run from May 5 to May 29 in the Johnson-Kulukundis Family Gallery of Byerly Hall in Radcliffe Yard.
Elkin’s opening talk will be held Tuesday, May 5, at 5 p.m. in the Sheerr Room, Fay House, 10 Garden Street, Radcliffe Yard.