
Eve Blau named Will and Nan Clarkson Visiting Chair in Architecture at SUNY-Buffalo’s School of Architecture and Planning

The Harvard Graduate School of Design’s Eve Blau has been named the Spring 2016 Will and Nan Clarkson Visiting Chair in Architectureat the State University of New York’s University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning. Blau is adjunct professor of the history of urban form in the GSD’s Department of Urban Planning and Design, where she teaches courses on the history and theory of modernity, urbanism, and architecture.

The Clarkson Visiting Chair is an endowed visiting position awarded semiannually to a distinguished scholar or professional in the disciplines of architecture, planning and design. The award is in recognition of excellence in the pursuit of scholarship and professional application within these disciplines. Previous Clarkson Chairs in Architecture include the GSD’s Antoine Picon and K. Michael Hays, among others.

Blau will visit the University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning during the week of March 7, when she will deliver theClarkson Lecture and present a series of seminars.

Will and Nan Clarkson founded the Clarkson Visiting Chair program in the University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning in 1991, with a vision of engaging students, faculty, practitioners, and members of the public in knowledge-sharing and scholarship on critical issues in architecture, planning, and design. Since then, over 30 Clarkson Visiting Chairs from across the world have joined the school as scholars-in-residence, spurring dialogue through week-long series of public lectures and seminars.