The Harvard Graduate School of Design’s Eve Blau has been named to the 2018 class of Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) Fellows. She will join the three other 2018 inductees at the Society’s 71st Annual International Conference Awards Ceremony on April 20, in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
According to the SAH, SAH Fellows are individuals who have distinguished themselves by a lifetime of significant contributions to the field of architectural history, which may include scholarship, service to SAH, or stewardship of the built environment. Visit the SAH website for more information and a list of past SAH Fellows.

At the GSD, Blau is Adjunct Professor of the History of Urban Form in the Department of Urban Planning and Design. She teaches courses in the history and theory of urban formation and design. In recent years she has taught a series of research seminars, including Berlin as Laboratory, Baku: Oil and Urbanism, and Mapping Cultural Space Across Eurasia. Her research engages a range of issues in urban and architectural history and theory and the productive intersection of urbanism and media.
Blau is also co-principal investigator at the Harvard Mellon Urban Initiative, an interdisciplinary, cross-Harvard initiative supported by funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. It brings together scholars and resources from across Harvard to foster interdisciplinary urban study through collaborative research and teaching, and by developing innovative cross-disciplinary methodologies that integrate digital technologies to bring together the perspectives of the design disciplines, the humanities, and the social sciences.
Blau’s books have received several awards, including SAH’s Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award, Spiro Kostof Book Award, and Philip Johnson Exhibition Catalogue Award; the Austrian Cultural Institute Prize; and the AIA Citation for Excellence in International Architectural Book Publishing. In 2015, Blau received the Victor Adler-State Prize of the Republic of Austria in recognition of her innovative scholarship and contributions to the history of social movements.
Before joining the GSD, Blau was curator of exhibitions and publications at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montréal, and editor of theJournal of the Society of Architectural Historians. She is president of the board of directors of the American Friends of the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal, and past vice president of the International Scholarly Advisory Board of the IFK Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften, Vienna.