Final exams, reviews, or presentations for non-studio courses (lectures, project-based seminars, or discussion-based seminars) take place during the final exam period, May 1, 2, 3, and 6.

Students should remain available during the full review and exam periods.


Instructor(s) Room Time
Wednesday, May 1
2142 Craig Douglas, Min Yeo Piper 2-6
2468 Rosalea Monacella Piper 9-12:30
3365 Toshiko Mori 124 10-6
4511 David Fixler 109 12-6
5103 Jerold Kayden Online 9-12
6227 Patrick McCafferty 111 9-12
6317 Nathan King 121, 122 3-7
6484 Elence Chen, Sunghwan Lim 123 3-6
6489 Pamela Conrad 522 9-11:30
Thursday, May 2
2314 Allen Sayegh Piper, 112 9-1
3466 Emmett Zeifman 121 2-5
5382 Belinda Tato 123 12-4
5447 Lorena Bello Gómez, Robert Zimmerman 122 9-11
6478 Chuck Hoberman 124 9-2
6486 Daniel Tish 112 2-6
6487 Panagiotis Michalatos 109 3-6
Friday, May 3
2467 Min Yeo 121 2-5
3514 Gareth Doherty 122 9-1
3515 Megan Panzano, Ian Miley Piper 12-5
5381 Stephen Gray 123 9-12
6483 Jose Luis Garcia del Castillo Lopez 124 2-6
Monday, May 6
2227 George Legendre 517 10-1
2228 Hyojin Kwon 121, 122 9-1
2365 Hyojin Kwon 121, 122 2-5
3391 Pablo Pérez-Ramos 123 2-6
3396 Alex Wall 522 10-4
5440 Lourdes Germán 124 1-7
5454 Donald Sheets Online 2-5
5460 Dana McKinney White 124 9-12
6126 Jonathan Grinham Piper 9-12
9203 Eric Howeler, John May Piper 2-6

Updated 5/1/24

This schedule is subject to change.


Faculty requesting additions/modifications to the Final Exam schedule should contact [email protected].