Advanced Research Seminar: London Urban Development
Four students will participate in the London Studio (GSD 1505) taught by Simon Allford focusing on the intersections between design and real estate. The class will be offered as an Independent Study with periodic meetings. Students will join the London Studio visit in late September.The independent study will explore the relationship between design and real estate value on numerous fronts and will provide students a unique opportunity to conceptualize urban models with a deep empirical background in successful block level developments in London including Broadgate, Kings Cross, and Stratford City/the Olympic Village. Smaller scale projects investigated will include Barking, Notting Dale Village, and No. 1 Oxford Street. The final project site will be located in Shoreditch, at the dynamic edge between the two cities of Westminster and London. Students will evaluate where the opportunity to renew exists and where the best course may be recycling and overlaying onto pre-existing urban fabric.Costs: Students in this course will be term billed $300, in support of international travel. This does not include meals and incidentals.Schedule: This course will meet on alternating weeks from 2-4 on Wednesdays, in addition to additional meeting times throughout the week, in conjunction with the Simon Allford\’s London studio. Dates:9/15 2-49/27-10/1 Site visit in London 10/8 1-310/20 1-4 midterm review11/10 2-511/17 2-411/24 2-412/1 2-5Note that Simon Allford\’s class meets on the following dates below. There may be lectures or reviews on these dates that students are encouraged to attend if possible. Tues Aug 31, Wed Sept 1Thurs Sept 16 Friday 17Tues Oct 12 Wed 13Tues Oct 26 Wed 27Tues Nov 9 Wed 10 Thurs 11Mon Nov 22 Tues 23 Wed 24Tues Dec 7 Wed 8 Thurs 9Limited enrollment. Preference to be given in the following order:1. MDES real estate and project management students in their second year who are graduating in January (since they will not be here in the spring to take field studies)2. Other 2nd year MDES students3. Urban Planning and Design students in their 2nd year