Airport Park Zurich – A New Park Typology
Encircled by the rapid growth of the adjacent towns, the Zurich airport, a major European gateway, plays a broader role in the expanding urban development of the Glattal area, especially with the bordering town of Kloten.
Because of its peculiar landscape situation and potential new connections, the area comprised between the airport and the growing development offers the possibility to conceive a new typology of public space, an \”airport park\”, combining the airport dynamics with a new specific program.
The central task of the studio is to develop a new park typology strictly related to the airport, envisioning this open space as an extension of the airport itself, developing a hybrid between city park and airport functionality.
This studio also explores the possibility for an airport to overtake a central role in urban development through the proposal of an airport park.
In the new airport park, innovative programs will be introduced to link the airport infrastructure to the urban fabric, overcoming the airport tendency for segregation and bringing it closer to the city.
The particular proximity of the site with the Zurich airport presents itself as a possible generator of a new urbanity: as were the 19th century main train stations, the airport can be understood as the new starting point of an urban development.
The adoption of a park as the first step of a city’s development – similar to the role of the Central Park for the further settlement of New York’s urban tissue – secures its open space quality. The new airport park will serve as a gateway to the city and cater to the needs of both airport passengers and residents in nearby communities, mediating the separation between the airport and its city.
Martin Rein-Cano will be at the GSD the following dates: August 28, 29, September 18, 19, October 16, 17, November 6, 7, and for final reviews. In addition, he will be available for desk crits on September 17, October 15, and December 4 and 5. Gareth Doherty will be present at the weekly studio meetings.