Architectural Representation II
Architectural Representation II: Projective Disciplines
This course examines the history, theory, and practice of projective and descriptive geometry. Invented as techniques to draw form, these discourses are the basis of the intractable reciprocity between representation as technique (not merely style), and three-dimensional space. The objective of this course is to uncover the centuries-old and still ongoing relationship between representation and construction. Students will apply techniques of projective systems to translate architectural thought and mediums into an experimental formal language that exhibits relationships between three-dimensional form and flatness.
Through the study of principles of parallel (orthographic) and central (perspective) projection, students will develop literacy in primitive and complex surface geometries—their combinatory aggregation, subdivision, and discretization—as they relate to the most reductive of architectural forms: the planar surface. Ultimately, these techniques will be placed into a productive dialogue with architectural and programmatic imperatives. Students will be introduced to the system of Mongean Double Projection as the exemplary construct that historically organized the architect’s spatial imagination, and understand its influence on contemporary modes of representation and fabrication. Projective systems have developed relationships between masons, carpenters, engineers, industrial designers, mathematicians, cartographers, painters, and architects.
Composed of both lectures and hands-on drawing workshops, the course is equal parts theoretical and technical. Exercises will involve two-dimensional digital drawing, digital modeling, and physical modeling. Additional conceptual and technical texts are provided for optional reading. The course will involve close formal reading of buildings and will introduce students to the practice of reading, drawing, and writing architecture.
This course is required for all first-year MArch I students.