Atmospheric Projections: Media as Environments (at AFVS)

What is the ecology of the arts in our visual age of changing media? Can media be understood as environments? This seminar investigates a “material and environmental turn” in philosophy and visual culture, focusing on the atmosphere of visual arts, architecture and screen media. Topics include: new materialisms, agential realism, poetics of relationality, media ecologies, elemental philosophy, plant thinking, light and projection, and the energy of atmosphere.

Pre-requisite: A course in film and media theory, visual studies, art history, architecture studies, philosophy, literary theory, gender studies, or the equivalent course in cultural history or theory. Students will be selected on the basis of an application, as will be detailed on the Canvas course site. 

Jointly offered course: This course is jointly offered as AFVS 279. GSD students should enroll in the course via the GSD listing.


This course follows the FAS academic schedule. Please reference FAS to see start of term information..