DESIGN WITH DATA: Informed Urban Design/Planning decision-making through data-driven design process and analysis – CANCELED
Instructor: Ken Goulding, Principal at Sasaki
Chanwoo Kim, Associate, Urban Designer at Sasaki Associates (MLA 1AP and MAUD 2013)
Max Enrollment: 20
Date/Time: Jan 4, 6, 8/3 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Location: TBD
Description: Bold and poetic design transforms the built environment and the lives of those who inhabit it. In this age of increasing connectivity and immense amounts of information, the question is how designers can leverage information to improve our craft. Using the technology called S-Cubed (Sasaki Smartplan for Sketchup) developed by the instructors, this course will explore the possibility for students in the field of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design and Planning to link their traditional design decision processes with numerical parameters such as financial, spatial, and ecological data. Instead of the numbers being generated at the final stage of the design, students will be asked to work with the numbers as they go through the design process.
Using the tool that operates as a plug-in for Sketchup, students will learn how to:
– Easily change and study massing models from Sketchup and be able to quantify as a chart in Excel
– Designate different colors to the massing by building uses and apply different floor-to-floor
heights to each uses
– Designate different colors to surfaces and quantify numerical parameters and ratios (paved,
vegetated, buildable land, permeability, etc.)
– Compare parking demand and supply of the developed design realtime
– Phase out design development and quantify by phases
– Generate automated massings from the given FAR values and building footprints
– Generate shadow study heatmaps using different time, day, and intervals
– Present different design options effectively (excel, powerpoint)
– Present proposed design and data with effective and relevant graphic materials (illustrator, photoshop) – Use appropriate workflows between tools (ex. Sketchup to google earth)
After learning about the tool and its visual representation, students will be asked to choose the site of their interest (project site from past or future studios) and to design both massing of the buildings and the ground plane with various parameters that students think are critical to the project. This exercise will followed by a quick pin-up and presentation on the last day of class.
Requirements: PC laptop required
Cost/Materials: n/a