Designing with LEDs
Kera Lagios and Justin T Brown
Jan 14, 17 (M,R) / 9:00-4:00
With developments in LEDs, light has become an innovative architectural medium. Smaller, flatter, brighter, and released from conventional housings, light, in the form of LEDs can now be used in new ways and can inspire new avenues in design. This workshop will include a short introduction to the basics of LED technology and the contemporary use of LEDs in architecture. Students will then be provided with LED modules to use in the design and fabrication of their own LED luminaire.
LED modules will be provided. Instructors will provide basic tools necessary for fabrication. Students will need to supply the rest of the materials for the luminaire. *Note: since the shop and laser rooms are closed during J-Term, the course will focus on materials that can be manipulated in other ways.